About Death
Death is a mystery.

Many people want to understand death, but none can find the answer. Confucius once said: “Without knowing what living is, how can we know about death?” This helpless question, and the inability to answer, resonates with the mystery surrounding death.
Because of its mysterious element, many people think that death is a taboo issue. Although death is an inevitable outcome for everyone, no one like to mention the word “death”. When someone died, we like to use the term ‘passed away’ to avoid the term ‘death’. This avoidance of thinking about death is understandable, it is because everyone loves life, and do not want to face the unknown of life’s end.
However, a truth is said in the Bible, that is: “A time to be born, and a time to die”, and there is no one in this world who can avoid it. Therefore seeing this, let us have the courage to meet the issue of death face to face, and be informed about handling of death when it occurs:


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